Art and Design

Art and Design is 'championed' at Blackwater School by Mrs. Evison

Art Statement of Intent

At Blackwater, art is an integral part of school life. We believe that art is at the centre of developing innovation, creativity, critical thinking as well as being a vehicle for self discovery and expression.  After all humans have been drawing for over thirty thousand years!  We endeavour to deliver a high quality art and design curriculum encouraging and inspiring our children create, innovate and embark on a journey of discovery of themselves and the wider world.  Our art and design curriculum engages children in a progressive programme of ‘learning to do’ and ‘learning about.’

Find out about the 'big picture' in our art strategy.
This is our Curriculum Overview - The Scope
Sequence of Learning 
We are passionate about making sure the children learn through projects. Here are our sequence documents for year class, which explain the small steps they are learning, along with the key vocabulary, prior learning and end points. 
What are we learning in art this term?
Take a look at what each class is creating in art this term.
Ideas for home learning.
Take a look at these ideas for exploring art at home  If you want to find out more check out the ideas below.
If you would like to find out more about this curriculum area, please email Mrs. Evison on