At Blackwater, we believe that firm foundations in reading are key to educational success. We have high aspirations for all our children to leave us as fluent readers, with a life long love of reading.
We do this by developing a strong reading ethos which runs through all we do. Our library is central to our school; our reading champion keeps it up to date with the latest exciting fiction, as well as non-fiction, poetry, a Cornish literature section and books from around the world. Throughout the school are comfy reading nooks, well-stocked with a range of fiction, non-fiction, newspapers and magazines. We listen to our children and stock our reading shelves according to what they want to read.
Classrooms are kept up to date with a range of texts linked to current cross-curricular learning; with books changed termly according to the topics. Classes also have a fiction class text which is linked to their cross-curricular learning. Children are read to daily during DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read.)